Empower, Conference Room A/B/C, Conference Center, Level B2, Tower 3 8525 East Orchard Road Greenwood Village, CO 80111
Tuesday, 12 September 2023 03:30Thursday, 14 September 2023 11:30

September 2023 Annual Meeting of the Conversion / Implementation Team Leader Roundtable

CITLRT 1143x260

From Mile High to bird’s eye we’ll discuss various viewpoints on how to develop and deliver a quality client experience during transitions. Topics include data, payroll, SECURE 2.0, small talk and the all-important stakeholder relationships.

Setember 12 - 14, 2023


Meeting Location

Conference Room D/E, Conference Center, Level B2, Tower 3
8525 East Orchard Road
Greenwood Village, CO 80111

Hotel reservations

DoubleTree Denver Tech Center
7801 East Orchard Road
Greenwood Villiage, CO 80111

We have a small block of rooms at the DoubleTree Denver Tech Center at a rate of $165.00 not including taxes/incidentals.
Book here by August 22, 2023.


Tuesday, September 12

3:30 p.m. Pick-up at DoubleTree Denver Tech Center
4 - 6 p.m. 2 Brewery tours with Denver Brew Tours
6:15 p.m. Dinner at Briar Common
9:00 p.m. Drop off at DoubleTree Denver Tech Center

Wednesday, September 13

7:30 a.m. Meet in lobby for transportation to Empower
8:00 a.m. Continental Breakfast Buffet
8:30 a.m. Opening & Welcome
8:45 a.m. Keynote Address: The Fine Art of Building Business Relationships: One Conversation at a Time

Conversion / Implementation Leaders know the technical skills required for successful transitions. But, sometimes overlooking the importance of conversation, rapport building, and relationship development skills can adversely affect the outcome. The ability to talk easily with anyone is a learned skill, not a personality trait. Acquiring it will establish rapport with clients, their advisors, consultants, payroll providers, sales, client relationship management, account management, referral sources. It helps with peers in the marketplace and liaisons within the community at large, leaving a positive impression that lasts longer than conversion timelines, investment option mapping, SOX disclosure wording, blackout periods, and met or unmet target dates.
Debra Fine
Keynote Speaker, Trainer, and Bestselling Author
Conference Room D/E

9:45 a.m. Break
10:00 a.m. Breakout Sessions - Strategic Issues and Hot Topics
  Breakout 1 - You’ve Got to be Kidding

Many sections of SECURE 2.0 present major implementation hurdles. For instance, the mandatory Rothification of catch-up contributions by employees earning more than $145,000 starting in 2024 presents major implementation problems. For some major provisions of the legislation – mandatory or optional with a slim chance of plan sponsor adoption - we will discuss specific implementation hurdles, their impact in the service provider transition process, and available solutions to work around the absence of guidance or data.
Mary Kay Leydon – EACH Enterprise
Conference Room F

  Breakout 2 - AI Crystal Ball

Artificial Intelligence is popping up everywhere. Does it enhance the quality of the client experience or on the contrary, make it worse? Will your new client turn to Chat GPT to help manage their plan transition? Are there ways for you to benefit from AI? Can you integrate Open AI models into your business applications to accelerate processes or to solve problems? To facilitate the payroll feed integration as a for instance.
Eric Henon - EACH Enterprise
Conference Room G

11:00 a.m. Transition
11:05 a.m. Breakout Sessions - Strategic Issues and Hot Topics
  Breakout 3 - Make a Client, Not a Sale

Some new clients come through the door with little understanding of the complexity of transitioning a 401(k) plan to a new service provider. Some new advisors are ill-equipped to transition a new case. Can value-adds promoting the quality of service provider transitions, delivering instruction and the technical knowledge needed to transition plans set your company apart, helping advisors who place business with you earn more business? We will discuss the possible role of conversion quality promotion in Advisor Relationship Development and Sales.
Mary Kay Leydon- Vice President, Strategic Initiatives – EACH Enterprise
Muriel Knapp – Special Consultant – EACH Enterprise
Conference Room F

  Breakout 4 - The Biggest Thrill Wasn’t in Winning on Sunday, but in Meeting Payroll on Monday.

Obtaining test payroll feeds to support a successful conversion is sometimes difficult. Decision makers may not have consulted with payroll administrators before deciding to switch retirement plan providers, payroll providers may be more or less supportive than anticipated. Engaging the Plan Sponsors on Payroll Feeds may be a challenge. Attendees will collaborate on a list of best practices that are more conducive to a quality client experience in the conversion process.


Paula A. Hendrickson, CFP®, C(k)P®, CBFA™ NFP 
Guest Speaker
Ana Maria Longwell - Special Consultant on HCM and Payroll - EACH Enterprise

Conference Room G

12:05 p.m Luncheon
1:05 p.m. General Session – Quality Client Experience in Service Provider Transitions General Session – Quality Client Experience in Service Provider Transitions

At this session, we will advance the VIEWPOINT on Quality Client Experience in service provider transitions and discussion of Phases 2 and 3 of the ProMotion Initiative to enhance plan sponsor and advisor understanding of the process pre-conversion..
Mary Kay Leydon - Vice President, Strategic Initiatives – EACH Enterprise
Muriel Knapp – Special Consultant – EACH Enterprise
Conference Room D/E

2:15 p.m. Transition
2:20 p.m. Breakout Sessions - Strategic Issues and Hot Topics
  Breakout 5 - Just Do What You Do Best

At this session, we will discuss Advisor and Plan Sponsor best practices at the time of conversion that others should emulate. This discussion will lead to the formulation of two company polls to support the VIEWPOINT on Quality service, information promoted on the associated Website and the ProMotion initiative.
Eric Henon – EACH Enterprise
Conference Room F

  Breakout 6 - Streamlining Plan Conversion and Payroll Integration: Effortless Process with Zero Code and Spreadsheet Hassles

Discover how leveraging cutting-edge technology and strategic operational support can propel your plan conversion and payroll processes, allowing you to meet ambitious timelines and expedite transformative endeavors. Through an intuitive drag-and-drop interface, developers can construct case-level data mapping and validation algorithms seamlessly during case installation. Following installation, this interface not only validates data but also identifies NIGO (Not In Good Order) records and feeds, all while efficiently managing workflows to amplify business scalability and elevate the overall client experience. Join us to unlock insights into an effortless journey from plan conversion to payroll integration, minus the need for coding or wrestling with spreadsheets.
Avinash Kadapi – CIO Financial Services - Biznuvo
Conference Room G

3:25 p.m. Break
3:45 p.m. Breakout Sessions - Strategic Issues and Hot Topics
  Breakout 7 - When The Enchilada is Getting Even Bigger

Much of the work of Conversion / Implementation Teams concerns mergers and acquisitions by current clients. Managing the client relationship through the plan merger process is unique. On the one hand, there is an existing relationship, an assigned Account Manager, and established processes. 
Dwight Bowman - FIS Global
Conference Room F

  Breakout 8 - Far and Away, the Best

At this session, we will discuss the benefits and challenges of offshoring data management payroll integration functions. What works well, what could be enhanced, how to overcome communication hurdles. Does offshoring support the goal of enhancing the quality of client experience?
Mike Aufrecht - Principal Financial Group
Conference Room G

5:00 p.m. Adjourn for day
6:00 p.m. Dinner at Sierra, the Pines private dining room

Thursday, September 14

8:00 a.m. Continental Breakfast Buffet
8:30 a.m. BREAKOUT SESSIONS - - Strategic Issues and Hot Topics
  Breakout 9 - The Leader Knows The Way, Shows the Way, Goes the Way

Part and parcel of managing the team are some very concrete tasks: assigning cases, assessing workload, capacity, and capability. A great moderator is also a leader who can engage and inspire the team to perform at the top level. How do we gauge if the team is performing at its best? There are internal benchmarks, and past performance that we try to surpass, but what truly inspires the team as a whole? Is the team as motivated as it can be by industry standards? What motivates the team even further? What sort of projects do they find so inspiring that they will strive for even higher results?
Jason Cromack - Empower 
Conference Room D/E

  Breakout 10 - Quality is no Accident

Quality of client experience starts with clean data. Payroll feeds and hygiene practices vary among clients, and services such as eligibility determination, automatic and elective enrollment, loan approval, hardship withdrawal approval are triggered by clean data. Pre-built templates, data mapping, validations, transformation rules, and flows defined by each user, combined with operational support can facilitate participant indicative data maintenance.
Sagar Shankaranarayanan - Head of Product | Congruent Solutions (remote)
Mike Kiernan – Head of Sales | Congruent Solutions (remote)
Lucas Soucy - Chief Operating Officer | Congruent Solutions (remote)
Conference Room G

9:45 a.m. Refreshment Break

At this session, we will advance the VIEWPOINT on Quality in Client Experience to Service Provider Transitions for publication by September 30, 2023, and 2024 projects to further promote quality in service provider transitions (user-responsive website with practical step-by-step recommendations for plan sponsors, advisors, sales, and conversion teams), self-evaluation quizzes and learning experiences, and ProMotion certification of advisors and consultants in service provider transitions.
Speakers and moderators:
Eric Henon, Mary Kay Leydon, and Muriel Knapp:
Conference Room D/E

11:30 a.m. Lunch boxes
11:30 a.m. Adjourn and Transportation


Conversion Implementation Team Leader Roundtable member firms waived for first two registrations
Additional member company registrations: $550.00

Non-Member registration: $1,900


There are no refunds for this program



Contact Us

Phone: (860) 254-5046
Fax: (860) 838-2830
Email: EHenon@EACHenterprise.com

EACH Enterprise
16A Pasco Drive
East Windsor CT 06088

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