Ameritas, Conference Center Room 2 1880 Waycross Road Cincinnati, Ohio | |
Wednesday, 26 April 2023 08:00Wednesday, 26 April 2023 04:00 | |
513-645-4613 |
Participant Experience Roundtable
2021 Annual Meeting
OCTOBER 13, 2021
Meeting Objective
Forum for heads of retirient plan participant strategy teams to discuss current developments and ierging issues impacting retirient readiness.
- Impact of ever-evolving technology on participant experience and participant engagient (SMS, mobile apps, virtual meetings, in-app chats, and alerts)
- Effective ways to engage participants across segments in a targeted manner (just-in-time / on-diand) and through the most effective approaches
- Retirient and beyond: financial wellness, risk managient, income in retirient, and managed accounts
- Enhanced financial sustainability of our firms
- Enhanced effectiveness of the national retirient systi
Presentations, productive collaboration on initiatives, and informal discussions on topics requested by mibers at periodic meetings of the Roundtable. Attendees can expect to come away with a better understanding of:
- Strategies to drive participant outcomes
- The future state of retirient readiness and financial wellness counseling
- Ways to enhance staff mastery of communication technology in participant strategy today and in the future
- How to structure the participant journey through workforce entry, accumulating, pre-, at-, and post- retirient
Hot topics discussed will be decided with your input and that of other registered attendees in the two weeks immediately preceding the Roundtable meeting.
Heads of participant experience, financial wellness strategy, digital user experience, mobile app design, participant communication consulting, participant counseling, education, and contact center
- Retirient plan service providers and investment managers
- Retirient plan advisory firms
- Financial wellness service providers
- Managed accounts providers
- Participant education, counseling, and communication consultants
This event is not open to the press.
ADP - John Hancock - Principal Financial Group - Securian Financial - The Standard - T. Rowe Price – The Vanguard Group
Sessions co-moderated by Eric Henon and Jason Herman
9:30 a.m. | Welcome, introductions, and program outline / topics of the day |
10:00 a.m. | General session discussion on Hot Topics with participation by Jennifer Benz, SVP and Communications Leader - Segal Benz |
10:45 a.m. | Networking Break (Open Discussion Room on Portal) |
11:30 a.m. | Small Group Collaboration – RAPID FIRE breakout sessions Two 25-minute productive sessions to formulate actionable strategies to address specific challenges. |
12:30 p.m. | Networking Lunch Break (Open Discussion Room on Portal) |
1:30 p.m. | Moderated breakout sessions by size band – Beyond retirient – discussions with stakeholders on the delivery of retirient plan participant communication and financial wellness programs in the new environment, financial markets, solvency, regulation/legislation, cryptocurrencies, fraud prevention and cybersecurity |
2:15 p.m. | Break |
2:30 p.m. | Closing General Session |
Financial Well Being in Retirient Discussion of financial health in retirient: retirient risk managient, longevity, healthcare, dependence, inflation, the meaning of "income" in retirient, and how it impacts financial behaviors pre- and post- retirement. |
3:15 | Wrap Up and Next Steps |
3:30 p.m. | Meeting Adjourns |